La fee crepusculaire...
F13 fell from #1 to #6 losing 80.4% business. This seems to be a tread with horror movies. Remember the under performed Underworld 3. So on to the numbers.
Domestic: #6 Week 2 (20-22) Weekend gross: $7,942,472 Total gross: $55,119,663
International numbers: As of 2/15 the foreign box office is updated every two weeks
по странам
Total: $9,525,200
MBV did not have a good weekend either. In January it opened in 2,534 theaters, as of February 22 is only in 355 theaters losing 75.1% business. Many theaters (my neighborhood theater included) have one 3D projector and with Coraline opening, MBV got bumped.
Domestic #29 Week 6 (20-22) Weekend gross: $386,032 Total gross :$51,290,643
International numbers: As of 2/15 the foreign box office is updated every two weeks
по странам
Total: $8,463,983
Как видно MBV не слишком-то и отстает в рейтингах от F-13. При том, что в России (которая лидирует по числу посмотревших F-13) MBV еще не показывали. Уверена, что мы Дженсена не подведем.))
Domestic: #6 Week 2 (20-22) Weekend gross: $7,942,472 Total gross: $55,119,663
International numbers: As of 2/15 the foreign box office is updated every two weeks
по странам
Total: $9,525,200
MBV did not have a good weekend either. In January it opened in 2,534 theaters, as of February 22 is only in 355 theaters losing 75.1% business. Many theaters (my neighborhood theater included) have one 3D projector and with Coraline opening, MBV got bumped.
Domestic #29 Week 6 (20-22) Weekend gross: $386,032 Total gross :$51,290,643
International numbers: As of 2/15 the foreign box office is updated every two weeks
по странам
Total: $8,463,983
Как видно MBV не слишком-то и отстает в рейтингах от F-13. При том, что в России (которая лидирует по числу посмотревших F-13) MBV еще не показывали. Уверена, что мы Дженсена не подведем.))
это точно??? т.к. фильм то уже приличное время назад вышел, и нигде не видела даты премьеры в России.
он же в 3D, а не все к/т могут похвастаться такими возможностями...