Спойлер на 4.17First scene is the two of them in the elevator with Sam saying, "Do I know you?" and Dean saying, "I don't think so."
Second scene is Dean in his shirtsleeves walking in his office a bit like a caged animal saying to Sam's, "I feel like I know you", "Yeah, me, too."
Sam, voiceover of an above shot of Sam drawing monster faces in his cubicle, "I just can't shake this feeling that I don't belong here
Dean in the coat and red tie in front of an office plaque that says "Dean Smith: Director, Sales and Marketing ([shudder] so that's Hell]).
Dean, outside, in his shirtsleeves, with blood on his forehead: "You're trying to say that we've been injected with fake memories?!"
Dean standing in the bathroom in shirtsleeves, tie and checkered?! suspenders and hair slicked back, looking very weirded out as the automatic sinks come on full blast with pink water.
Guy in the same "tech guy" yellow polyester shirt as Sam's (but not Sam), hitting the button on a microwave with his head stuck inside and the close/shut-off mechanism jammed with a plastic spork, screaming. Sam voiceover: "Something weird is definitely going on in here, right?"
Dean and Sam at Dean's home when Dean finds the Ghostfacers site (just like the third director's cut clip). Bwahahahahaaaa! Dean's got a Soloflex machine!
Dean: "I just found the best site, ever! Real actual ghosthunters!"
Ghostfacers: "You've got a problem--a ghost problem...ghost-related problem."
Dean [as Sam comes over to look]: "These guys are *genius*."