At the end of this week's episode of The CW's "Supernatural" (9 p.m. Thursday, WPCW), fans will get to see the result of an on-set practical joke as series star Jensen Ackles lip-syncs the song "Eye of the Tiger."

Ackles' video, running about 90-seconds, will air at the end of the episode and then presumably go viral on the Internet among his adoring female fans.

According to a publicist for the show, it all began as a prank that co-star Jared Padalecki decided to pull on Ackles:

They were filming a scene of "Yellow Fever" in which Sam (Jared's character) returns to their parked car where Dean (Jensen's character) has been waiting and hears "Eye of the Tiger" blaring.

When Sam looks in the car he finds Dean laying down on the front seat, eyes closed, air-drumming and singing along to the song. Jared's cue to Jensen to open his eyes and stop was to tap on the roof of the car. Jared told the crew that he wasn't going to give the cue and to just keep rolling and see what Jensen would do...and so a classic interpretation of Survivor's hit song was born!

I got a sneak peek at the first 30 seconds of the clip and it is somewhat amusing. It's shot from multiple angles though, which does call into question exactly how spontaneous it was (and Jared is nowhere to be seen). But a guy can be heard laughing in the background, so perhaps it wasn't planned.

As you'll recall, Ackles was in Pittsburgh this summer filming "My Bloody Valentine 3-D." I still hope to get him on the phone to discuss that experience and the current season of "Supernatural" sometime soon.

Вкратце здесь сказано, что в конце 406 Дженс будет исполнять под фонограмму песню "Eye of the Tiger". Это будет 90 секундный ролик, который появился в результате шутки Джареда на съемках эпизода.
